
We are entering the giving season when the majority of charitable donations are made. Most affluent individuals make charitable donations, but the vast majority continue to simply pay cash. That’s the most expensive and inefficient possible method to benefit their charitable causes. It’s easy to write a check or pull out your credit card, but
Shutterstock The best way to reduce income taxes is with year-end tax planning. Don’t wait until February when you begin preparation of 2019 tax returns; that’s too late for many tax savings strategies. If you have an S-Corp that is eligible for trader tax status (TTS), don’t miss that section further down below, which includes essential
Year-End is a great time for Tax-Loss Harvesting. Getty  The goal of tax-loss harvesting to lower your overall taxes. With proactive tax planning, you may be able to lower your taxable income by selling off losing investments. Similarly, you can offset some long term gains by selling investments that may have lost money over the long term. In
Economic Security Planning, Inc. Today’s column addresses potential drawbacks to taking early retirement benefits before switching to spousal, claiming retroactive benefits after 70, finding out if an ex is drawing on a worker’s record, retroactive child-in-care spousal benefits and whether a settlement is taxed by SSA.Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University